Presbyterians in Peru

A blog chronicling the adventures of the mission team from First Presbyterian Church in Burlington, North Carolina.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

An exciting day!

Buenas noches, all.

Today in Yantaló was an exciting day - sixty-five kids practiced on the new computers at the public school, most of them using a computer for the first time. They were taught to use the mouse and the keyboard, to open Microsoft Word and practice typing, to use Paint to draw. Andrés and Robinson took the lead, Dawn and Daniel played with those waiting outside, and Megan and I (along with plenty of help) circled the room, answering questions and pointing out features, etc.

After a couple of days of not knowing what to do, I think all of us felt good today - something had been accomplished, and something good. We left the house rather quickly tonight, so I forgot to bring my pictures, but I will post them soon. There are several good ones.

This afternoon was restful (and, I think, well-deserved), as has been the evening thus far. I, for one, feel rather rejuventated and excited to return to work tomorrow; I feel reasonably confident that I am not alone. Otherwise, I will be brief again, and will look forward to a longer entry with some photos quite soon. Grace and peace.

Happy trails -


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