Presbyterians in Peru

A blog chronicling the adventures of the mission team from First Presbyterian Church in Burlington, North Carolina.

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Visiting the Jungle

Just a quick entry today, folks - we all need some sleep before church in the morning.

Today we visited la selva (the jungle). It was not the wildest of safaris, as there is a very nice place where we were served lunch and where we rested in hammocks and so forth, but we were close enough to see lots of fantastic foliage, enjoy the natural swing (take your typical swingset, make it natural, add a pinch of Tarzan), and see monkeys jumping from tree to tree! It was wonderful. Getting there took forty minutes in the van and then forty minutes in a boat, and it was a perfect way to end the first week here (and the only week for some).

After returning from our adventure, we cleaned up, rested, and then headed out to dinner, after which several of us visit the Presbyterian Church's youth group (really a group for young adults). It was quite difficult to understand, but I did catch some of the general message anyway - and the words to the songs are projected overhead. It was good to see folks getting together on a Saturday night at church - not a bad idea. After youth group, we checked out the celebration for Moyobamba's 465th anniversary, which was full of music, food, and Moyobambans. All of us are tired after a long week, though, so our visit was brief.

And now here we are at the internet café. Tomorrow we will go to church and then enjoy a day of rest (and perhaps some play), and then most of the team will begin the journey back on Monday.

It is amazing what one can learn in one week, from differences in culture to Spanish vocabulary to ways we might save the world. The process of getting ourselves oriented with the culture, with the people, with the street signs, with one another has been a blessing. I think worldviews have changed already - and already folks are speaking about their next trip to Peru, me included. It is my understanding that the pace of our progress here depends on the feelings of some higher-ups in the PC(USA), but let me say that what we are doing here is more than good and fulfilling - it is exciting. I hope some of you reading will be inspired to break out of comfort zones and come lend a hand. It certainly involves sacrifice and patience, but our church's mission here is a very powerful thing and it is wonderful to feel a part of what is happening.

Blessings to everyone as the weekend continues. Our prayers are with you in Los Estados Unidos, and some of us will be seeing you rather soon. For those of us for whom it will be a bit longer, we look forward to writing more as we continue living and learning.

Happy trails -


  • At 9:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    This is Robert Martin and will dawn please email me at


  • At 6:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Stuart, this is Maritza, Andrés'mom. Thank you for taking the time to write all your experiences. I enjoyed reading all of them. Saludos.


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