Presbyterians in Peru

A blog chronicling the adventures of the mission team from First Presbyterian Church in Burlington, North Carolina.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

A Hump Day Update

Hello everyone.

My apologies for the gap in entries over the last day. Last night, the team was visited by a missionary who has been in Perú for almost 50 years, and by the time all was said and done, it was too late to go out to the internet café.

The last two days have been quite busy. Tuesday was spent in Yantaló, seeing the patients who couldn´t be seen Monday along with a few new ones. It also included some entertainment for the citizens of Yantaló - the children who were biding time near the clinic were presented with renditions of "The Tooty Tot" and "The Hokey-Pokey." What an exchange that was. It was realy fascinating to watch them participate in our silly gringo activities. Sometimes we get so caught up in seeking profundity in our cross-cultural experiences that we forget that silliness has a certain transcendent quality.

Today we traveled to Metoyacu, a small village outside Moyobamba (across the river which is just below Puerto Mirador, where several teams have stayed when traveling here). It was a much calmer affair, but we were able to see forty or so "patients," some of which were individuals and others who were families visiting together. The first pickup soccer game of the trip occured, as well as a game of baseball in front of the clinic. Noé also put his seminary training to use, speaking a few words to the folks of the village. There were several touching moments, from playing with children to laughing with our Peruvian friends about language inadequacies on both sides of the table.

While today involved crossing a river in a boat, it is my understanding that tomorrow involves removing shoes and crossing a creek on foot. It certainly sounds interesting. Photos are still on their way; we are in a different café tonight and hooking up the camera is a bit too complicated. I will be here for two and a half weeks more, though, so keep your eyes peeled.

I feel like there is so much to say and I only skim the surface with each entry - but I suppose some stories are best saved for our return home. In any case, please know that we are well, that we are learning, that we are growing, that we are excited. And please leave comments! This means you!

Grace and peace to you all as you enter the second part of the week. I plan to be back tomorrow with more news. Did I mention that you all should leave comments?

Happy trails -


  • At 4:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Can't wait for the pictures Stuart. Absolutely love getting your updates and look forward to opening your blog everyday! Sounds like a wonderful trip. You and the entire team are always in our thoughts and prayers! Linda and Dick Fisher

  • At 1:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Stuart, Please tell Dora that her family says Happy Birthday! We miss her, but we are really enjoying reading your blog! Thanks for taking the time to keep us posted!

  • At 4:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    stuart- i'm loving the stories. i'm having flashbacks and warm memories that take me back to mexico. one of those being toilets that cannot take toilet paper! it's a chore, but it is an easier job to remember for the boys than the girls. sounds like you are having an absolute blast and i know that you are taking in every moment. of course i can't wait to see the pictures but, prayers and love your way. later days
    love aubrie


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