Presbyterians in Peru

A blog chronicling the adventures of the mission team from First Presbyterian Church in Burlington, North Carolina.

Sunday, July 17, 2005

The adventure begins!

By my calculations, we are somewhere near twenty-four hours into our adventure here in Peru. We took off from RDU yesterday about 5:30pm, arrived in Miami around 7:30, took off from Miami around midnight, arrived early this morning in Lima, took off from Lima at 8:45am, arrived in Tarapoto, rode for two and a half hours on quite the bumpy van ride, and now we're here safe in Moyobamba, which is showing all the early signs of a home away from home.

Already there is plenty reason to write home. Cameras were left on airplanes and swiftly recovered, teeth were accidently brushed with the don't-drink-it water, flights were delayed - but I think speak safely for everyone in saying that, all in all, things are muy bien. Cultural lessons have already been learned: don't put toilet paper down the toilet - the trash can beside the commode is there for a reason; cansado means "tired" and casado means "married" - so be careful. It is clear that most folks here are below our poverty line, but I have to wonder if they don't easily surpass our happiness line. In any case, the best part of the cultural encounter so far has been the overwhelming sense that life here moves at a slower, friendlier pace. Our hosts could not be nicer or more hospitable.

This evening, most of us are cleaning up, resting, settling in. Some of us will be going to Moyobamba Presbyterian's evening worship shortly; it will be exciting to worship in all Español. Our work will begin tomorrow morning as we travel to Yántalo, where many of us will be working with our first free medical clinic and where some of us will help our colleagues from High Point to lay the foundation for a sanctuary. Please keep us in your prayers as we begin to serve our primary purpose here.

Please also keep us in your prayers as Dawn Martin shouts across the internet café to find out how to say "I will be here for three weeks" in Spanish. We are such gringos.

We came straight to the café from an early afternoon meal, so I didn´t have a chance to grab my camera before heading over here. The good news, though, is that I will be able to post pictures once I remember to bring my equipment with me. Blessings as this weekend closes and a new week begins. More to come soon.

Happy trails -


  • At 11:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Stuart and Dawn and all - we are thinking of you daily; sounds like all is well. This is a great tool to keep us posted on what you all are doing - thank you for keeping us updated.
    Best to all,
    David Vaughan

  • At 8:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    hola bro!
    i hope peru is treating you well! HAM films is making that slideshow like nobody's business! haha don't you like out name! well, you don't have to worry about us...but have fun and work hard!

    <3 always,
    anna (POOKIE...hahahaha i HATE that name)


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